Seeing the light....

Sunday, 20 February 2011

6th November: The well of assumptions

All the money given to water aid and all those charities that tootle along to remote villages where the women walk hot dusty kilometres for stagnant water and build a well. We all assume, or am I wrong, that when the mission is complete, that beautiful, crystal clear water, clean water flows from the well. That frankly is bollocks. It may be that as you start to pump the smell of old farts fills the air and a dark tea like liquid starts to fill your dirty bucket. It’s then it hits you that pumping stagnant water in the village is infinitely better than walking several Km to the crocodile infested swamp for it.

No running water
No electricity
No tarmac
No street lights
No television
No fridge
No supermarket
Just a really damn good mobile phone signal

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