Seeing the light....

Sunday, 20 February 2011

7th december soggy sock hat trick

Three days of rain. Three pairs of wet socks. All pairs of socks dripping wet. Duh. Wet boots too. The longhouse smells and so do several of the individuals in it. I don't have the heart to tell them, 'you need to paddle through the mud to the well, get a bucket of brown water and then stand in the pouring rain in the al-fresco showers and cleanse yourself.' I am also running out of clean dry clothes. Dirty and dry is more comfortable than clean and damp. Despite the omnipresent damp I am a happy lemur as I found phalsuma antanosy, the critically endangered gecko, on a pandanas this morning. It coyly posed for photos in the shiny dripping forest.

If it doesn't stop raining soon, I'll be expecting Noah.

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